In addition to simplifying memory configuration, this new, adaptive self-tuning memory feature improves performance by providing a superior configuration that is dynamic and responsive to significant changes in workload. 除了简化内存配置外,这种新的、自适应的自调优内存特性可以提供较好的配置,这种配置是动态的,可以根据工作负载的重大变化及时作出响应,从而可以提高性能。
Initialize memory, which includes enabling memory banks, initializing memory configuration registers, and so on 初始化内存,包括启用内存库、初始化内存配置寄存器等
Aside from CPU statistics, the tool can also provide data relating to memory allocation and LPAR configuration and state change history. 除了CPU统计数据之外,这个工具还可以提供关于内存分配以及LPAR配置和状态变化历史的数据。
Also, observations about performance behavior experienced at a particular memory configuration may or may not apply to systems at a higher RAM configuration. 而且,在特定内存配置下得到的性能行为观察值不一定适用于拥有更高的RAM配置的系统。
When creating or updating shared memory partitions profiles you can find the option to select the paging VIOS partitions in the memory configuration section. 在创建或更新共享内存分区概要文件时,可以在内存配置部分中找到选择分页VIOS分区的选项。
Changes to physical memory configuration and utilization 改变物理内存的配置和使用
The feature works by iteratively modifying the memory configuration in small increments with the goal of improving overall system performance. 此特性会反复地小幅修改内存配置,以改进系统的总体性能。
The self-tuning memory feature in DB2 9 simplifies the task of memory configuration by automatically setting values for several memory configuration parameters at startup. DB2Viper中的自调优内存管理特性能够在启动时自动为一些内存配置参数设置值,从而简化内存配置任务。
To remove the TESTSP logging token from shared memory and from the configuration file 要将TESTSP日志标记从共享内存和配置文件中删除
With the call to start_kernel, a long list of initialization functions are called to set up interrupts, perform further memory configuration, and load the initial RAM disk. 通过调用startkernel,会调用一系列初始化函数来设置中断,执行进一步的内存配置,并加载初始RAM磁盘。
This shell partition is used to reserve the resources required to create the inbound LPAR, or processor entitlements, memory configuration, and virtual adapter configuration. 这个分区shell用来保留创建LPAR所需的资源(即处理器权利)、内存配置和虚拟适配器配置。
The STMM log file parser has the goal of filtering out important tuning information and formatting it so that the evolution of the memory configuration can be easily discerned. STMM日志文件分析器的目的是过滤出重要的调优信息并进行格式化,从而便于了解内存配置的修改过程。
The following sections discuss how different platforms affect memory configuration in DB2. 接下来的几节将讨论不同的平台对DB2中的内存配置有何影响。
For each logging token read from the shared memory or configuration file on its first invocation, OPEN_LOG builds a hash key using the name of the token and the size of the hash table. 对于每个从共享内存或初次调用使用的配置文件中读取的日志标记,OPENLOG都会使用标记名和散列表的大小来生成一个散列值。
On UNIX, the cache exists in shared memory and a configuration file is written to/ tmp/ javasharedresouces by the JVM to allow all JVMs to locate the shared memory areas by name. 在UNIX上,缓存放在共享内存中,JVM将一个配置文件写到/tmp/javasharedresouces,从而让所有JVM能够根据名称找到共享内存区域。
Realization of embedded programmable memory's word width configuration 嵌入式可编程存储器中的字宽配置实现
Many of these can be derived from the schematics or the memory configuration of your target hardware. 许多这些可以来源于图表或对内存配置的目标硬件。
If you want to turn off the memory configuration check, you can create the following registry key. 如果要关闭内存配置检查,可以创建以下注册表项。
System memory management ( configuration layout and availability of memory). 系统内存管理(配置布局和内存可用性)。
Third, utilizing chunk theory of short-term memory and configuration theory of Chinese characters the disassimilation rules of Chinese characters are worked out. 第三,运用短时记忆的组块理论和汉字构形理论制定汉字拆分规则;
We compared the strong points with weak points of memory addressing mode configuration and I/ O addressing mode configuration and described some technical problems and details. 比较了内存编址和I/O编址两种方案的优缺点,并论述了一些技术问题和细节。
The memory spaces configuration, synchronous serial interface ( SSI), serial communications interface ( SCI), host port of the DSP system are summarized. 概述了DSP系统的存储器空间设置、同步串行接口、串行通讯接口、主接口的特点;
This Paper introduces the interface design between80C196KB and the memory storing configuration function parameters for a steam boiler control system. 本文介绍了某造汽锅炉控制系统中的组态功能参数存储器与80C196KB接口的设计。
The basic countermeasure and the methods to optimize the memory configuration of the Windows NT system and SQL Server database are presented in this paper based on trying to increase the running speed of SQL Server. 本文从解决SqlServer服务器运行速度问题出发,介绍了优化WINDOWSnt系统和SqlServer数据库内存配置的基本对策和方法。
The tactics to optimize the memory configuration of the drug-control system 药检业务管理系统优化内存配置的策略
The thesis firstly introduced the architecture and characteristic of ADSP-2116X processor, described the computational units and memory configuration. 论文首先在第2章简单介绍了ADSP-2116X处理器的结构和特点,并从性能上给出ADSP-21160与目前广泛应用于数字信号处理中的TMS320C6701的比较;
And then, make analysis of system startup, processor running mode, externed BUS interface, memory configuration and management. 并分析了系统的启动过程与处理器的工作模式及功能管理、外部总线接口、存储器的分配与管理等内容;
The work of transplantation is conducted mainly by the DSP/ BIOS, including thread system, the hardware timer, memory configuration and APIs provided by DSP/ BIOS. 移植工作主要是围绕CCS提供的DSP/BIOS工具展开,先后介绍了线程机制、硬件计时器的使用、存储器配置和DSP/BIOS提供的API应用等。
Those configuration data should be load into the specified memory through the configuration controller. 这些配置数据需要配置控制电路将其配置到指定的配置存储器中。
The algorithm aims at improving configuration speedup ratio, analyzes impact of different Huffman code length and local compression ratio to configuration speed under specific difference of data rate between configuration memory and configuration interface. 该算法以提高配置加速比为出发点,分析了配置存储和配置接口的带宽不同比值时,各种Huffman编码长度和算法局部压缩率对实际配置速度的影响。